The residents at Beaumont Warehouse carry on the longtime West Philly traditional of good folks opening up their homes for concerts and good causes. This afternoon the lovely, supportive multipurpose space will be hosting the Punx for Pussies! Project M.E.O.W. Fund-rager. The event is a benefit for Project M.E.O.W., a non-profit, strictly volunteer, no-kill, animal welfare organization that provides services to people feeding stray and feral cats in West Philly. And the lineup of kind-hearted, feline-loving punx will consist of +HIRS+, Alement, Vegan Legions, and Go Nowhere with tasty vegan eats provided by Black Orchid Foods. It’s an early matinee show so “be punk-tual!!” Beaumont Warehouse, (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.), 2pm – 6pm, Donations, All Ages – Alexis V.