Benefit Show to Save SF Bookstore Adobe Books – Featuring The Dodos & More TONIGHT

San Francisco’s iconic lit paradise Adobe Books is facing a massive rent hike which is threatening its survival. We don’t want to let that happen! As part of a series of events, several Bay Area bands are taking to the stage to help raise funds and awareness for a substantial revamp to the store. Word has it, that the new Adobe will feature a pop-up shop with Haight-Ashbury vinyl luminary, Groove Merchant Records.

The Music for Adobe Fundraiser takes place on Monday, May 11th at Public Works in San Francisco. Adobe’s musical beneficiaries include The Dodos, Adam Stevens of Two GallantsThe Tambo Rays and Vetiver’s Andy Cabic (DJ set). Attend the show and hear some of SF’s finest, while helping expand and sustain one of the city’s cultural mainstays. It’s any easy win-win.

You can also check out the Save Adobe Books Indiegogo campaign for more information about Adobe’s future and how to contribute. –Andy Lambert