Exclusive Track: Wildlife Control’s Ages Places

San Francisco based, bi coastal indie rock duo, Wildlife Control has released a brand new single today. The new track is called Ages Places and it has been released in support of the band’s live musical appearences at SXSW. This new track is expressed to be written based on "modified haikus". Wildlife Control will premier the live version of Places Ages on stage at SXSW. You can also find this entrancing track on AmazonMP3, Spotify, Itunes and Rdio starting today.

A free downloadable version of Ages and Places is available on Soundcloud!

SXSW Show Dates:

March 13th – SoundCloud & Tumblr Creator Clubhouse
March 15th – Official Showcase presented by CD Baby
March 15th – 2:40pm: BPM / SDR 4th Annual SX Party
March 16th – 3pm: House of Creatives Filming presented by No Shame