Weekly Feature: Ghost Beach goes on #1 on Hypem with Noosa

"Tropical grit pop" sounds like a tough concept to get your head around, but it actually fits Ghost Beach‘s sound quite neatly. The "tropical" comes in their bright, sun-kissed melodies that recall pop titans The Police, while the band throws a layer of grit on top with sludgy guitar lines and jarring electronics. It’s an interesting mash-up that Brooklyn duo Josh Ocean and Eric "Doc" Mendelsohn are pioneering, and one that, according to Ocean when I spoke to him about the group’s sound, wasn’t necessarily intentional. Still, the band has mined their unique style over two EPs and several singles that have been warmly embraced by an ever-growing fanbase. The latest of which (featuring Noosa and streaming below) went straight to the top of The Hype Machine. – Read Dean Van Nguyen’s interview with the band here.