When I moved to Portland in 2007, I was eager to find a band that I could impress my visiting friends with. I needed a band that played regularly enough, and that kept some sort of steady, experimental edge over their bill-sharers. It took about a year after Sad Horse formed, but I eventually caught one of their performances in the summer of 2008. They blew through their set, which consisted of about 10 songs, all lasting a minute and a half at the very most. With warped time signatures, simple driving drumbeats, and manic guitar lines to match the yelping of this insane duo, I knew I had found my impressive band. My friends never did visit me, but I didn’t care. I would still go out and see Sad Horse every chance I got. With that said, I think we should all welcome Sad Horse back home from their tour in Japan on Friday, November 16 at the World Famous Kenton Club. It’s free. – Edgar Paleo