More summer evoking music: Pearl and the Beard play Sycamore 02.06

Remember Will Smith’s thrilling musical career? Brooklyn’s Pearl and the Beard sure do. Not long ago, the trio composed a charming Will Smith melody, seamlessly threading together some of his top hits, including the notorious theme to “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.” You can watch them getting jiggy with it in various parts of the city in this music video. In all seriousness, Pearl and the Beard create the kind of heartwarming music that makes the bitter winter months bearable. The soulful folk trio’s energetic output envelopes the listener with whimsical, uplifting joy. Without a wave of distortion, pristine voices are free to entwine with a hearty collage of organic instrumentation. The spirited vocal harmonies tantalize the senses with the playful interaction between male and female voices. If you can’t get enough of their infectious folk, cellist Emily Hope Price is in the midst of a personal project, in which she writes and records a new song every day for the next year. Witness the impossible on her blog. Catch Pearl and the Beard with the equally lovely Dinosaur Feathers on Saturday at Sycamore or on March 5 at The Studio at Webster Hall. – Nancy Chow