The Deli’s Emerging Artist of 2009 Poll

The goal of the poll is to involve local scenemakers (the jury), local music fans (the readers) and Deli writers in choosing the best emerging artists of 2009 of the various local scenes covered by The Deli.

There will be prizes for the winners of The Readers Poll and the Jury Poll, and likely also for some of the runner-ups. Please make your vote today. The poll will be open until January 16th.

The “scenemakers” that helped select the bands are as follows: Brent from Avant/Chicago, The Chicago Independent Music Review, Phil from Double Door, Michael from Ear It Now, Tankboy, Billy from The Whistler, Brian from Chicago Snacks, Bill Valenta, Matt from Schubas, Brian from Gallery of Carpet, Frank from Windy City Rock, and Farrai from Stop Being Famous.