"Two recovering punks and an indie rocker walk into a bar"….and according to the bio that’s how Talk Show Host was created. Their latest release is an EP "Perfecty Competent" released in May 2016. I can be picky with my punk rock taste and these guys have nailed it. They have catchy pop punk tunes reminicest of the early movement like Face to Face and Millencollin as well as early Blink 182. Chords are tight, basslines take off for a spin of their own from time to time, rippin drums and nice harmonies. Go see Talk Show Host at Smiling Buddha on April 21st. – Kris Gies
Krust Toons: “Gone Phishin (Part I)” by Tedd Hazard
Krust Toons: "Gone Phishin (Part I)" by Tedd Hazard – please feel free to drop him a line at teddandthehazards@gmail.com if you dig or have any funny ideas. You can also check out more of his illustrations and animation shorts HERE.
New Mysteries EP Available for Streaming & Purchase
Philly’s The Mysteries continue further down the Doors rabbit hole with the group’s new EP New Age Psychedelic Experiment. Anthony Marchione and company keep things loose as they explore the bluesy music terrain, finding solace in organ work that brings the retro, psych-pop sound to life again. So light up a doobie, and "ride the snake"! 😉
Monograms unveil singles from EP “Silencer,” play Alphaville on 04.19
The latest release from new wave garage outfit, Monograms, is heavy hot mess of distortion, expansive vocals, and tactful, driving percussion. The EP, ironically titled ‘Silencer,’ has already yielded two tracks. The first, “Sharp Teeth” (streaming) is a number that borders on ’90s grunge, while the second, “Ok Promises” offers a sound reminiscent of some post punk bands of the late ’80s, with guitar tones that sound like synths, extra percussion and random intervals of noise. Monograms is four-piece that refuses to stick to one sound or genre, pushing their own sonic envelope as a rule. Be sure to catch their next show at Alphaville on Wednesday, April 19th. – Andrew Strader
Hot Curl take their psych pop to Alphaville tonight (04.17)
Hot Curl is a psychedelic surf rock outfit that nicely weaves together catchy, jangly guitars riffs in the style of bands like DIIV or Beach Fossils. They offer the kind of groovy instrumental template – round bass, two reverb soaked guitars, and tight, tom-heavy drums – that acts as sonic unit to be manipulated in a million different ways. In their debut EP ‘Beached,’ the band has a number of classic surfy formulae they tend to return to after forays into into the psychedelic unknown, and single "Walk Away" (streaming) perfectly examplifies that. The instruments work around a centered guitar hook, deviating into dissonance only to drive themselves home at just the right moments. Hot Curl will be performing at Alphaville tonight (April 17th). – Andrew Strader
New Track: “Tiny Tethers” – OhBree
Exuberant, oddball troupe OhBree will release their forthcoming album, Burn Bridges, Burn Pies, on May 19. “Tiny Tethers” serves as our first look behind the musical curtain. Kicked into drive by omnipresent keys, the song flows as feverish horn blasts pop around twists of harmony-backed flashes of tongue-twisting lyrics. It’s a playful carnival of sound that brightens one’s day. You can catch OhBree as part of On The Water’s EP release show this Saturday, April 22 at Eris Temple Arts, with Dominic, Dear Rabbit, and Baby & Shylow. (Photo by Emily Dubin)
Sweet Spirit Keep Spilling The Hits With Latest Single “Pamela”
Queen of Austin rock, Sabrina Ellis, elicits more shock and awe with her coquettish and racy lyrics than a Vietnam bombing campaign could ever hope for. Sabrina fronts the power pop band Sweet Spirit, who just dropped their sophomore album, St. Mojo, earlier this month. While Sweet Spirit’s local momentum is at a fever pitch, a national tour may bring the rest of the country up to speed with Austin. The latest single "Pamela" is a perfect ode to Baywatch goddess, Pam Anderson, and the slow motion video shoot is an apt tribute to a woman who is ingrained in our collective memory, running in slow motion on a beach wearing a red bathing suit. "I’ve been around the world and never have a found a girl like Pamela!…Anderson!" is the building chorus that Ellis repeats like a mantra, while the band crashes through the track with their signature exhilirating gusto. The song is an earworm, and the band doesn’t take themselves too seriously, allowing the listener to join in the fun without hesitation. Sweet Spirit’s trajectory has never had more acclivity, and songs like "Pamela" will continue to win the hearts and minds of all those deprived of having seen Sweet Spirit in action.
-Lee Ackerley
Weekend Warrior, April 14 – 16

Jessie Early’s Experimental “Wild Honey”
Jessie Early, a Nashville native and singer-songwriter took a different production route than most of her counterparts on her debut EP, Wild Honey. Two years into the project and unsatisfied with the way the songs were turning out, she began collaborating with producer Jeremy Larson to take the tracks in a different direction. What emerged then, was a unique blend of acoustic and ballad heavy singer-songwriter characteristics and 80s style electronic percussion and synth production. Her tender vocals compliment the expansive sonic environment of the instrumentation. “Living On Your Love” is a perfect example of this unique trait. The structure of the song along with the electronic drum fills and bass-heavy frequency proves reminiscent of Phil Collins or Peter Gabriel. With a debut EP as bold and experimental as this, it’s easy to be excited for what’s to come next from Early.
-Andrew Strader
Artist of the Month: David Swick
Composer, multi-instrumentalist, and winner of our most recent Artist of the Month poll David Swick, doesn’t just create music alone in its sonic medium. He paints images with soundscapes. Take a recent track like “Music for Silhouettes” as an example of this. The piece begins with dappling, meandering piano, invoking the beginning of something like a crack in a dam, and slowly but surely builds into an expansive gushing river using the negative, empty spaces to create a sense of openness. His SoundCloud account offers an extensive collection of piano and sting-based compositions that could easily accompany visual stimulation of any kind.
Instrumental composers are few and far between in Nashville’s independent scene, but this doesn’t seem to dissuade Swick from displaying his art in any way he can, whether it be working with The Radial Conservatory, a neoclassical collective that creates immersive environments of light and sound, or playing small house shows. Swick’s outlets for expression prove that he takes his work seriously as art over entertainment, a rare trait for musicians in an environment that often promotes easy crowd pleasing over work that requires authentic participation to receive.
-Andrew Strader
New Track: “With Age Comes…” – MANIK|NETER
MANIK|NETER, the new minimalist side project from Carl Kavorkian, recently shared tracks from his a new EP Mannequin Eater. Leading off, “With Age Comes…” roughly rumbles with a static/fuzzed-out bass and percussion, setting up the underground platform of disenchantment. It’s a raw, roaring, line-by-line appeal to flip the script and aim toward a change. Kavorkian will be performing next in Philly on Friday, May 5 at The Fire.