
The Morelings Opening for Bondage & Discipline at Ortlieb’s Dec. 4

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Dream-pop duo The Morelings recently shared a sun-kissed, daydream-y music video (below) for their single “Too Far,” which features bassist/vocalist Kedra Caroline wandering the shores of a beach home video style. It’s the perfect accompaniment to the hazy track off their debut EP No Sign. You can also catch them live this evening at Ortlieb’s opening for The National Rifle expats, Bondage & Discipline, which will be their last show of 2015. However, look out for their first album in the New Year. Also slated on the bill are Mock SunsOrtleib’s, 897 N 3rd St., 9pm, $10, 21+ – Bill McThrill


Stockholm Siesta Drops EP; Takes Hostage Of Our Hearts & Innocence

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 For some reason, I thought that good pop-punk was a genre that died in the 90’s, but Brampton based four piece band Stockholm Siesta has proven me very wrong. They released their EP, Fixin’ To Be A Lot Better, and it has quickly become one of my favourite records of this year. The opening track, Cannibals, brings to mind bands like Blink 182 with it’s sweet mellow melody over some pretty subtly dark lyrics. Dance of the Dead shows that the band isn’t averse to playing some really fast and upbeat tunes that just make you want to move to the beat. Ask Me How is the song that really stands out to me and kind of won me over on this EP. There’s just something about that smooth guitar melody, and I’m kind of a sucker for any song with a good build-up at the end. It doesn’t hurt that the vocals are one hundred percent spot on here. The boys appear to have something in the works in terms of new releases, so stay tuned.


Mike B


Feel the warmth of “Salt”, new single by Golden Daze

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We’re caught in the sun-drenched tape echoes of Golden Daze‘s new single "Salt", where murmurs of Brian Jonestown Massacre, Beach Fossils, and Days-era Real Estate are hitting us in the feels. Like, so hard. Songwriting duo Ben Schwab and Jacob Loeb — who have opened for acts like Jacco Gardner, Mild High Club, and Honeyblood — reveal their love for ’60s guitar jangle and endless washes of drone in this dreampop banger. 

Feel their warmth live on December 9th at The Satellite, where they’ll play with Gothic Tropic and Waterstrider. Golden Daze’s self-titled debut LP is set for release February 19 via Autumn Tone Records– Ryan Mo, Photo: Liza Mandelup


New Video: “Whose Side” (Live – Random Tea Session) – Little Strike

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Lights splatter across the walls, adding just the right ambiance for the latest Random Tea Session with Little Strike, a.k.a. Tamar Dart. Programmed percussions propel "Whose Side" forward as Dart’s vocals effortlessly expound thought-provoking lyrics, enhancing the senses. The feeling is palpable with this one. Little Strike will be performing her last show in Philly for a bit on Thursday, December 10 at Ortlieb’s, helping Dogs On Acid kick off their Winter tour with Year Of Glad. However, you can also be in her music video for "Come Out Alright," which will be directed by Kyle Brown Watson and shot on Saturday, December 12 at A-Space Anarchist Community Center. Free pizza, drinks, and fun will be provided.


Invisible Familiars unveil video for “Disturbing Wildlife” + land December residency at Ace Hotel

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Invisible Familiars were already pretty quirky when we covered them in depth in our 41st issue of The Deli NYC, but – to our delight – the quirkiness seems to be getting even more pronounced, with the addition of a new video that defies the concept of grotesque. The group, that operates like a collective rotating around songwriter Jared Samuel, just released this video for single "Bestial Western," one of the edgiest tracks in their wildly overlooked avant-folk debut album "Disturbing Wildlife." Will Schalda’s video plays with the record’s title by protraying a series of bizarre images of animals. Invisible Familiar will be playing a December residency at the Ace Hotel, do not miss! Dates here.


New Video: “Sister Ray” (Velvet Underground Cover) – Kurt Vile w/Kim Gordon, Steve Gunn & Jarvis Taveniere (Woods)

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Ground Control Touring celebrated their 15th Anniversary yesterday  at Webster Hall in NYC. The showcase matched up a slew of artists for collaborations throughout the night on the venue’s three stages. Check out Kurt Vile, Kim Gordon, Steve Gunn, and Jarvis Taveniere (Woods) bringing the rock ‘n’ drone for a cover of The Velvet Underground’s "Sister Ray"! (Photo by Ground Control Touring)


Tim FIte Release “RESIST” video-album

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Tim Fite is an artist attempting to surpass the lip service and own up to the responsibility we all have as functioning cogs in a malfunctioning system. Though some may decry another white artist with Hip Hop roots taking up the cause of an oppressed culture from which he benefits, I think the more astute citizen will appreciate all people, artists or not, doing whatever they can, with whatever tools they have at hand, to keep the conversation going. In the final track of the album, “White People,” with a timbre recalling Public Enemy and later Saul Williams, Fite demands, “If you’re not a racist, then why are you turning a blind eye to racism? If you’re not a bigot then how can you live with a system that’s bigoted?” A visual artist as well, in the video, Fite paints accompanying canvases for each track on the album. He wisely doesn’t seek to provide easy answers so much remind us of important questions. – BrokeMc


After going viral, Sofi Tukker plays Baby’s All Right on 01.14

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Freshly graduated NYC duo Sofi Tukker (comprised of singer guitarist Sophie Hawley-Weld and programmer Tucker Halpern) started making music in 2014 and went viral in early November 2015, after releasing their first single "Drinkee." Admittedly, the track is infectuous: a compelling techno number infused with South American percussions, and propelled by a (quite literally) mono-note vocal line sung in Poruguese and charged with a synchopation able to move mountains – as in ‘make them dance." Also, we can’t bloody stop listening to it nor prevent our bodies from moving! It will be interesting to see if the duo stands the double test of a 30+ minute live show, during which they’ll have to (hopefully!) reveal a bunch of other songs. That show is already scheduled: Baby’s All Right for January 14th. Mark your Calendars.

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best electronic songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!


Don’t PASS on this release show!

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Last month’s Deli Portland Artist of the Month, PASS, is holding the release show for their latest EP off the Portland DIY label Good Cheer Records. Ways Out is five tracks solid worth of a raw vocal delivery and heavy instrumental execution. PASS is sure to bring some ruckus, along with sets from Rod, Alien Boy and labelmates Sabonis, at one of the only bastions left for good music in this city. Anarres Infoshop and Community Space is hosting this all-ages event tomorrow, December 4th, with tickets going for $5. The space is sure pack quickly, so get there before 7pm to stand a chance.

-Cervante Pope


Breakup the Monotony of the Norm w/Pat Finnerty and the Full Band at Ortlieb’s Dec. 3

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A few months back, Pat Finnerty’s musical, The Lid, had a three-night run at Underground Arts. Finnerty and the Full Band seem to have an affinity for creating memorable tunes that canvas a wide range of musical stylings, serving as humor-rich commentary. Inflected with a British accent to breakup the monotony of the norm (and also as a nod to the influence of the British Invasion), Finnerty’s knack for tapping into sonic zones serves as a familiar jumping off point, which when injected with his personality is refreshing. Will Gross-led musical vehicle A Locomotive kicks things off with crisp breezy folk narratives. The earthy, roaming folk-rock of The Josey Dears retains road-weary warmth with the chill of a night that looms as the sun sets. Ortlieb’s, 847 N. Third St., 9pm, $10, 21+ – Michael Colavita


New JANK LP Available for Streaming & Download

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Weed-lovin’ trio JANK’s latest release Awkward Pop Songs is laced with energetic, melodic power pop that instrumentally vents in controlled explosions, emotively bursting at the seams and begging the volume to increase. The trio finds the give and take of personal grooves that increase into unrestrained jams, injecting playful aspects in the process.  You can catch them at Stone Cold Castle on January 10. (Photo by Anna Ladd)


100 Onces to play final show at Wake Up SFV

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100 Onces are arguably the most hardcore duo of Southern California’s mathrock scene. In their five years of existence, guitarist Barrett Tuttobene and drummer Richard Ray have raised money to book six DIY tours, and played the ArcTanGent Festival twice with the likes of Deafheaven, The Fall of Troy, and The Dillinger Escape Plan. During their recent Fall Europe tour, 100 Onces played a show in Russia where a dead body had washed up nearby. The venue subsequently burned down — dudes got their gear out and no one got hurt.

Sadly, last month the two announced that they are officially finished with the project, and will play their final show for their 818 homies at Wake Up, SFV. December 13th is your last chance to get angular with these guys. Will they strip down and crowdsurf for old times’ sake? Find out next Sunday. – Ryan Mo