
New Track: “Build Pyramids” – Air is Human

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Air is Human’s latest seasonal EP Equinox 2 will be released on September 30. “Build Pyramids” provides a glimpse into a dark, psychedelic ambiance as futuristic tones guide the tune, reaching an eerie, middling point before percussion gradually shifts it into a funky exploration. Catch Air is Human on the evening of their release with fellow instrumental duo In Place and Chew at Kung Fu Necktie.


A Deli NYC Premiere: Hip Hop duo Blahsum’s video for “New Guernica”

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At a recent "Blah Blah Basement Bugout" party in a LES hookah bar, Chinatown Hip Hop group Blahsum struggled, like most musicians with a sound too big for the room they are playing, to get their audio under control. Ironically, it worked for them. Squeals of feedback complimented distorted vocals over a live band of bass, guitar, and live MPC.  As the young crowd bounced around them, they hammered through a set with sounds that vacillated between Minor Threat and Public Enemy. With lines like "I’m sick to my stomach, the shit that they come up with, I wish somebody told it like it is," and track names like "New Guernica," the distortion only added to the package.  This coming Sunday (09.27.2015) at Leftfield the band will celebrate the release of “DEM02.”  Doors are at 2pm, it’s free, and the 11 artists on the bill will rattle the bones of Hip Hop as they mercilessly deconstruct it.  The Deli is proud to premier their new video for “New Guernica” – read our Q&A vith the band here. -BrokeMc


The Very Small release new single and play DC9, 10/4

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At the risk of making a cliched pun based on the name, DC’s post rock trio The Very Small has a big sound, one that conveys swagger and depth. Listening to their anthemic tracks lulls the newly converted fan into instant headbanging. The Very Small expertly capture the multi-instrumental essentials of post rock and the three-part vocals and unforgettable riffs slide the energetic melodies right along from start to finish. Since 2007, these guys have been honing maturing their sound, creating a tasty blend of alt, indie, funk, and post, evidenced by their new single The Worst Form of Violence. Catch their next show at DC9, 10/4, for some Sunday night thrills. -Jonathan Goodwin



Curtsy release luminous debut LP “Something I Can’t Control”

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Ventura five-piece Curtsy make a startling first impression on their debut full-length album Something I Can’t Control, with songs and vocals that come alive with resplendent assurance. Featuring walloping single "Run Cold", the slickly-produced effort marries ringing guitar arrangements with a spiraling array of keyboard effects, giving the album’s overall sound a stark luminosity.

The band does carry a strong post-shoegaze influence, but only in spirit, as they prefer to construct gentle soundscapes that waft beneath a powerful anthemic thrust. Not to mention that they fully embrace clarity over dissonance, carefully considering each and every element they introduce as if detailing a floral portrait with a fine paint brush. Vocalists Crystal Napoles and Austin Knecht compliment each other with careful precision, carefully considering every verse with a harmonic naturality reminiscent of turn-of-the-century darlings Stars during their guitar pop phase. It proves that though they openly doubt their instinctual urges, the band couldn’t be any more in control of their songcraft. – Juan Rodriguez

Something I Can’t Control is out now on all digital outlets. 


A gem of a Garage Rock video + song: Broken Guru’s “Behind The Mouth’

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Garage rock is a genre that some might find a little trite, but when approached the right way it can still blow minds. Like this song/video combo for single ‘Behind The Mouth’ by NYC scene mainstay Rich Guerzon and his band Broken Guru, a great track featuring an impressive overall production, in particular on the guitars – which have just the right amount of dissonance – and the vocals. The video well reflects the inclinations of the the genre: simple, tense, and kinda claustrophobic. We found them while browsing through our Garage Rock NYC charts – they currently sit in 10th position.


Psychpop James Supercave will blow your mind at Non Plus Ultra with Winter and Crown Plaza

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Call it art pop, call it psych pop, call it experimental. Call it whatever you want, but the music that Joaquin Pastor aka James Supercave puts out is not only aurally phenomenal — it’s first-world metaculture commentary. 

The singer/songwriter has been active since 2012, reaching seminal fame for his acoustic collaboration with filmmaker and Erhu player Evita YuePu Zhou in "Chairman Gou", a character perspective of the 2012 Foxxcon factory suicides. It was covered by the Chinese-American newspaper World Journal, illuminating labor abuse in the world’s largest contract tech manufacturer. But prosodic quality isn’t the only mark of James Supercave — the group’s sensual musicality, playfully bridging unorthodox timbres and progressions, definitively separates them from the myriad of emerging acts in the city. James Supercave asks that you don’t think too hard, and that sentiment resounds in "The Afternoon" EP. Released last year, the debut skillyfully pours levity over profound subjects of apocalypse, voicemails, the constant of change, and the self versus the society.

Percy Shelley once remarked: "poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world." Well it’s 2015, and now’s as good a time as ever to start.

James Supercave performs on Saturday at the Non Plus Ultra as part of their Fall Tour. Acclaimed dreampop/shoegaze band Winter and So Many Wizards side-project Crown Plaza will support. Watch the new music video for "The Right Thing", directed by James Kim, below. – Ryan Mo


Songs 2 Dance 2 Release Cassette Single

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 Honestly, we don’t know what’s going on with this band. They have a scarce online following. Their music is a big, loud collision of sludge rock and glam metal. They sing about ridiculous pop culture topics. And they’re awesome.

 So awesome, in fact, that we wouldn’t be surprised if Songs 2 Dance 2 end up with some kind of underground cult following, which we will gladly be a part of.

The Nashville-based 5-piece recently released a cassette with their latest single "Tinder (Swipe Right)," and a B-side "Daddy Issues." The lyrics are brash, and maybe a bit offensive, but we have a feeling Songs 2 Dance 2 know that.

Hear the single below, and see them live at their cassette release party 10.23 at fooBAR with Oli Endless and the Possibilities, Doctor Jungle Cat and Terrible. -Caroline Bowman



Beer Head, “Wait It Out”

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 Once a punk kid, always a punk kid. And in the case of Beer Head, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

The emocore garage rock duo recently released a 5-track EP just angsty enough to awaken our inner bangs-slinging teenager. "Wait it Out" embodies the pop punk we all know and love without sacrificing attention to musicianship and mindfulness of modern taste.

It’s loud. It’s personal. It’s something old with something new. And it deserves a listen. -Caroline Bowman



Twiga announced to play CMJ Music Marathon

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A band eight years in the making, Brooklyn’s Twiga is obviously not in a hurry. Although complex in both structure and lyrics, their music is catchy indie pop full of lazy but beautiful melodies a little reminiscent of Grandaddy, minus the whacky synths – like in streaming track "Girls."  Check out their latest EP,  "Fledglings" and – if you dig their sound – don’t miss them at the upcoming CMJ Music Marathon, they are an official band!


Jesse W. Johnson

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Local singer/songwriter Jesse W. Johnson (formerly of Jet W. Lee) is preparing to release a new EP this fall. The EP will kick off with Johnson’s latest single "Primal Scream". This track will also be released a 2-song 7".

You can catch Jesse W. Johnson at Cafe Mustache (2313 N. Milwaukee) on October 17th.


Quichenight, “The Minor Sea”

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Maybe it’s because we’re totally landlocked, but Nashville is seriously lacking in surf rock (minus The Beech Benders. Those guys rule.)

Fortunately, Brett Rosenberg aka Quichenight is bringing the salty ocean breeze to our fair city and the sand to the crevices of our… hearts.

It’s becoming more and more rare to see a full album release. With our astoundingly short attention spans, I’m surprised you’ve even read this far. But Quichenight’s The Minor Sea is so intriguing and enigmatic and… just plain good, 14 tracks still leave us wanting more.  Starting off with sound of crashing waves and ending with the title track (Minor C, get it?) Quichenight shows plenty of self-awareness through the spring reverb and creepy organ solos. 

"Saturn’s Pig" would make the Wilson brothers proud, while "Life is Disgusting" and "Quackin’" will have you doing The Swim until you’re blue in the face. With cheeky lyricism and solid musicianship, Quichenight has taken the title from Taco Tuesday as our official favorite night of the week.

Give The Minor Sea a spin and pick it up on cassette and/or "the next obsolete format– that relic of the 80s and 90s, the CD!" -Caroline Bowman



My Gold Mask

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My Gold Mask has released a video for their track "Battles". This track dates back to 2014, but will be included on the band’s forthcoming album Anxious Utopia (Feb 2016). The video was directed by Kasia Koniar.