
Video: Mister Goodnite, “You’re Too Cool”

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While you were wasting away taking naps between shows on your tour, Tyler Parkford of Mini Mansions, whiled away the downtime collaborating with Alex Nicolaou to create his new side project, Mister Goodnite. The first video for what is quickly becoming my favorite song of the year, “You’re Too Cool,” is a demented trip to the beach. Parkford dons a suit as he spookily croons atop perfectly mixed samples, whilst Nicololaou lathers himself with an unnecessary amount of sun screen. This new project is based on a short story Parkford wrote about an LA based lounge singer in the ‘90s. He’s a man down on his luck, who eventually dies. That’s just where the story begins, though, as he then spends an eternity in purgatory singing without a backing band, using only the memory of other ghosts. An immensely creative and talented duo, Mister Goodnite is psych pop with a sense of humor. Be on the lookout for much more from them soon. – Jacqueline Caruso


Get into a Trance with Wolf in a Spacesuit

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Synth-pop artist Wolf in a Spacesuit might be the happiest guy in New York. The man has filled his music up with as much joy and optimism as one can muster using only bright synths and drum machines for his just-released ‘Blighter Days’ EP. Tracks like ‘The Honey Glows’ and ‘Full Color Visional’ should make you see the Spring even on these cold days.

Just like his music, the horizon looks expansive for Wolf in a Spacesuit. ‘Blighter Days’ is an exciting addition to Algebra Huxley’s growing catalog, and he’s slated to play more shows soon. Check out ‘The Honey Glows’ below and warm up a little. Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)


Swim Ignorant Fire @ Bulington (Tonight!)

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I can’t think of a more perfect soundtrack to a fresh wintery snowfall that the music of Stephen Holliger (aka Swim Ignorant Fire). He creates chilling ambient landscapes and released his latest EP, Belly of the Whale, earlier this year. Recently he released an excerpt of a film soundtrack he is composing called "Washed".

You can catch Swim Ignorant Fire at The Burlington tonight, November 25th with Don Wand, Step Slow, and M Tracka.


The Deli Philly’s Featured Artist(s) Poll Winner: Placeholder

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Emo outfit Placeholder are making people take notice with their most recent release Thought I Would Have Been Somebody By Now, which is heavily influenced by 90’s guitar alt-rock vets Dinosaur Jr. The band just emerged victorious in our Featured Artist(s) Poll, and we caught up with the group’s guitarist Brandon Gepfer before they hit the stage this evening at Kung Fu Necktie opening for Philly pop-punk four-piece Albondigas and Brooklyn garage-noise outfit Hunters. You can check out our interview with him HERE.

San Francisco

Matt Jaffe and the Distractions Play Starry Plough in Berkeley -11/26

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18 year old, Bay Area based indie pop musician, Matt Jaffe will be performing live in Berkeley tomorrow night. After being discovered at an open mic by Jerry Harrison of the iconic new wave band, Talking Heads, Matt has been recording and performing with his band The Distractions while balancing tour dates and his college education. We’re completely excited about this young talent. Check out his upcoming show at Starry Plough on November 26th in Berkeley at 8:30 pm.


The Good Old Days are Back Again with Chalk and Numbers

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Chalk And Numbers evokes a long lost sound and a sense of nostalgia with their well crafted pop perfection. Seemingly plucked from a time capsule, the format and content within these songs will harken back to days before most of our time. Sable Young and Andrew Pierce find a way to transport us back to a time and place without today’s worries, or tomorrow’s sorrows. Instead, we hear tales of love, heartbreak, and music that resembles late 50’s rock-pop.

After just recently playing a free show after a Sleep No More performance in the Manderley Bar at The McKittrick Hotel, look for Chalk And Numbers to be playing live again very soon. In the meantime you can hear their ultra-slick pop sound on their latest EP, Parade. – Joe Fish

San Francisco

Cool Ghouls Release New Live Music Video for Grace

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Check out this beautifully shot video of the Cool Ghouls performing their song Grace. This intriguing video includes an interview like introduction from the band explaining the origin and lyrical content of this powerful and dramatic track, garage rock ode to facial hair. 

Shrouded in ocean fog at an abandoned bunker overlooking the Pacific ocean, the band rips through a soulful rendition of Grace, with a full horn section, and plenty of style. In all honesty will make you a loyal fan on the spot. Keep an eye out for this group. They’re sure to become a mainstay of SF’s resurgent garage rock scene. We’re a big fan of their live performances and innovative composition style. –Ethan Varian

Cool Ghouls – "Grace" from Yours Truly on Vimeo.


New Music Video: “Cross My Heart” – Son Little

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Check out the debut single and music video from Son Little, a.k.a. Aaron Livingston, who is best known for his collaborations with The Roots and rjd2! The track’s lyrics "bear witness to two departed friends" and were "inspired by Trayvon Martin…a defiant prayer to remember the lost." Livingston is the most recent signee to Anti- Records, who also houses Philly favorites like Dr. Dog and Man Man. Son Little will be opening for Thudercat this Wednesday, Nov. 27 at The Boot & Saddle.


The Districts Sign to Fat Possum!

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Congrats to The Districts for signing to Fat Possum! We’ve heard for a bit now about labels who have come a knockin’. It’s been very cool to see the Philly music scene help foster such young talent. Props to our collaborative cohorts HotBox Studios for putting together the excellent video of the band performing "Funeral Beds" that we are sure turned many folks out there on and to Toy Soldiers‘ Ron Gallo for sharing one of his discoveries from the road. The Districts will be heading on tour early next year with White Denim. [We also heard through the grapevine that the band could be heading into the studio with Bill Moriarty (Dr. Dog, Man Man, The Lawsuits, etc.) for their next release.] Stay tuned for more from the impressive teenage crew. Things are just getting started. Cheers, fellas!


Party Boyz Episode 8: Sama Dams

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On the newest episode of the fantastic local music podcast, Party Boyz, Elizabeth (aka Party Boy #1) and Rachel (aka Party Boy #2) sat down with Sama Dams for an especially interesting conversation. Topics ranged from the band’s highs and lows tp local foliage and a particularly exciting game of yahtzee over a soundtrack that includes songs from The Dirty Projectors, Banned Books and Catherine Feeney. You don’t want to miss this one, listen below and be sure to give Party Boyz and Sama Dams your likes on facebook. – Benjamin Toledo

Sama Dams just launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund their next record, click here to learn more and show your support for one of the most musically adventurous acts in town.


Nathan Reich, “Better Off Dead”

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Nathan Reich is another guy with a guitar, so the burden of proof is on him to stand out in the great unwashed rabble of his peers. He has his deep voice and somber lyrical material on his side, and a handle on the seriocomic that allows him to dig into the heavy stuff without being insufferable. “Better Off Dead” from his most recent release, “All Night Pharmacy” showcases his ability to turn a phrase and sound like Stephin Merritt. If you can’t appreciate his candor in the chorus “I think we’re better off dead,” at least get a grin from Reich calling Broadway “God’s little hallway.” –Terra James-Jura