On Saturday, Sept. 8 from 12:00-5:00 pm, a Legal Bootcamp for Musicians will be presented by volunteers from the Kansas City Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts at Czar. This event is part of the Crossroads Music Fest (Sept 7-8).
This intensive workshop will provide attendees with knowledge on a variety of topics including copyrights, contracts, financing, and business formation. Lunch will be available for purchase. Advanced registration is encouraged.
Tentative schedule:
1. Opening remarks/Welcome – Information about the KCVLAA and the content of the day’s presentations – Rebecca Stroder, Mandiant Corporation, 12:00-12:10 pm
2. Have A Cigar: An Overview of Music Industry Terminology, Publishing, Licensing, and Trademarks – Information about the common terms used in the music industry, explanation of some of the components of the publishing industry and general licensing and trademark information – Donald R. Simon, Simon Business Consulting, Inc., 12:10-1:00 pm
3. Take the Money and Run: After Proper Documenting, Withholding, and Reporting – Explanation of the income tax and sales tax requirements of musicians and insurance needs – Ryan L. White, Evans & Mullinix, P.A., and Nicole E. Forsythe, Kutak Rock, LLP, 1:10-2:00 pm
4. Stairway to Law: Legal Steps to Protect Your Band’s Future – Information on why bands need Limited Liability Companies, the administration essentials of those companies and the importance of band agreements and their provisions – Christopher S. Brown, Van Osdol & Magruder PC, 2:10-3:00 pm
5. A Kiss Is Not A Contract So Why Care (About the Contract)? – Explanation and discussion of common contracts provisions that musicians see in publishing contracts, performance contracts, rental contracts and others, examples of sample contracts will be provided. – David L. Rein, Jr., Finch & Campbell, LLP, 3:10-4:00 pm
6. When Weezer Calls Jamie: The Balance Between Marketing Your Work and Enforcing Your Rights – Information on marketing music while maintaining control of intellectual property and enforcing the musicians’ intellectual property rights – Rebecca Stroder, Mandiant Corporation, 4:10-5:00 pm
General admission is $15, $10 for members of Midwest Music Foundation and Crossroad Music Fest performers and attendees. Free for members of KCVLAA. Tickets can be purchased and more details found at the link here.
More info about Crossroads Music Fest will be coming soon.
–Michelle Bacon