When I arrived at Black Cat, I immediately realized I had made a huge mistake. My earplugs had been left uselessly in the console of my car. However, I am never one to back down from a good rock show merely to save the waning remnants of my own hearing, and I’m glad I stuck around for this one. The show started off on a great note when I got my first exposure to The Laughing Man, a band that does for 60’s soul and blues what Vampire Weekend did for world music. I definitely expect to see more from these guys soon. Arc in Round from Philly was up next; aptly setting the tone for the very loud session of shoegaze-pocalypse that was to follow.

When Tennis System started into their first song, they were surrounded on stage by spinning green lasers that they swore were unintentional. However, once their own array of strobe lights began assaulting the crowd, I think they should have embraced the mistake and left the green lasers on. No mercy.
Just about any review you can find of this band will let you know that they are not quiet. Between the volume and the lights, this set was a full force assault on the sensory systems of the crowd. But, what I really enjoyed about Tennis System was that underneath all the (admittedly cool) drones and screaming guitars were catchy songs full of energy; urgent melodies that you couldn’t help but sing along with. When you hear this band is loud, believe it, but don’t mistake “loud” for “noise.”
Tennis System plays again at The Red Palace on November 30. –Jarrett B.