Singer/Songwriter Danielle Doyle will be celebrating the release of her first album, The Cartographer’s Wife, this Saturday the 13th at the Lizard Lounge. She will be playing with members for Garlic & Moonshine and The Flightless Buttress and many other local musicians.
Deli: What is one of your first memories of hearing music that really moved you?
Danielle Doyle: Josh Ritter has been my absolute favorite singer-songwriter for a very, very long time. For me, there’s just no one out there doing it better right now. He’s so incredibly talented. Seeing him live is life changing – I’ve never seen someone so happy, so passionate, so humble and appreciative of what he gets to do for a living. You see him live and you’re like damn, I want that. So – I’m trying to.
Deli: When did you decide to go public with your art?
DD: When I was at Oberlin I founded and ran an open mic night at the music venue I worked at. I remember the first time I played, my friend in the audience gasped – a really, positive encouraging gasp. So I started playing every week. Thanks for gasping, Sam Sax.
Deli: Is the upcoming tour your first big tour? Are you excited about the CD release? What are the steps that lead you to this wonderful accomplishment?
DD: A whole lot of firsts for me – first CD and a huge CD release party at the Lizard Lounge, first tour. It’s really exciting and I couldn’t be happier. It’s a lot of work but I really love all of it. I’ve taken a lot of classes at the Passim School of Music and I’ve interned and worked for some of my favorite artists’ managers – so I’d like to think I know what I’m doing – but I’m learning every step of the way. As for the CD – I’m really happy with it. So many of my friends donated their time and their talent to making it happen and I couldn’t have done it without them. Everyone who played on the album will be playing with me for my songs and playing with their respective bands throughout the night – and they’re all fantastic!
Deli: What did you want to be when you grew up when you were a little kid?
DD: When I was little I would dress up and hide in the other room and I’d make my grandfather announce me: "Live from Las Vegas, it’s Ms. Mary Mustard!" then I’d run in and sing and dance around their living room. So, I guess I’m doing pretty much the same thing now, except I think the songs I write are a little better now.
Deli: What are some "outside" influences on your songwriting? (i.e. pottery, Kubrick Movies, maps)
DD: "Salome" is (loosely) based on a Lovis Corinth painting. (I was an art history major in college.) "Pompeii" is about the end of the world, but the visual I get when I sing it is Mary Louise Parker riding a Segway out of Agrestic in the third season finale of Weeds. I’m a TV junkie. "Sky" is about the Trail of Tears – inspired by a Comparative American Studies course I took at Oberlin. Only a couple songs on the album are actually based on my life… because my life isn’t too terribly interesting.
Deli: Describe Tom Bianchi in 5 words or less.
DD: Most supportive human being EVER. Seriously, I don’t know if I ever would have pursued playing music for real without all the support and encouragement I get from Tom.
Deli: What advice do you have for young female performers who are looking to pursue a career in music?
DD: Meet Tom Bianchi. If you’re good – he’ll take care of you.
Tickets can be purchased here: ($8 in advanced, 10 at the door)
–Interview by Meghan Chiampa