1939 Ensemble play a soundtrack that beguiles mystery and a feeling of underlying excitement. Jose Mendeles (former drummer for The Breeders, among others), and David Coniglio (School of Rock, Mongoloid Village) take their respective percussive talents to collide and connect the vibraphone and live drums, creating shifting beats and celestial electronic buzz. The music may take the listener into a cinematic space, perhaps being aloof in a swanky parlor of the past, or orchestrating strategic getaways (think Orbital’s "The Saint"). They have been gaining attention with their full length, Howl & Bite, which Pitchfork calls "industrial art deco", and of course, they were awarded The Deli Portland’s Best Emerging Artist of 2012. They are the cerebral apertif for the fellow instrumentation of Emily Wells on Thursday, June 20th at Doug Fir Lounge. – Brandy Crowe