Invisible Familiars celebrate release of ‘Disturbing Wildlife’ at Baby’s All Right on 01.30

As creation stories go, Jared Samuel – chief songsmith of NYC band Invisible Familiars – has one, just like the rest of us. It begins in suburban New York State, and crystallizes in Brooklyn, where he doubles these days as both session-man and bandleader.  He’s played and toured with acts like Superhuman Happiness, Cibo Matto, and, more recently, Sean Lennon’s GOASTT. The band’s debut album, "Disturbing Wildlife" soars gracefully through the pop and psychedelic strata, where rich harmonies and an array of exotic instrumentation never overwhelm Samuel’s lyrical expressionism. Don’t miss their CD release party at Baby’s All Right on January 30 – there’s a rumor that his friend Sean Lennon will make an appearence.

Read Emilio Herce’s interview with Invisible Familiars.