OJR’s “Somnonaut” is a laid-back psychedelic voyage

Somnonaut, based on a cursory internet search and the couple Latin words lodged in the "this would make for some perfect last-ditch party convo fodder" center of my brain, translates to something along the lines of "sleep sailor." And that’s just about what you get with OJR‘s latest single—a drowsy slow-burner with voices fading in and out, like those intractably weird thoughts you have in the moments before drifting off to sleep. Fortunately for the weak-stomached among us, the seas are calm on this track thanks to a steady, unchanging loop holding all the madness together. Somnonaut does away with the heavy country leanings of OJR’s Nashville Demos from last year, but whether that’s a sign of things to come or just an artist having a little fun getting his jollies off remains to be seen. Either way, we’re excited to float along toward whatever comes next. -Austin Phy