The Morning After Pills blog’s CMJ picks: Automelodi, Dream Affair, YOU.

CMJ can be overwhelming, even from just looking at the schedule. Not to mention how disappointed we get when we realize we physically cannot make it to all the shows we want to. This year, The Morning After Pills blog took a bit of an alternative route and sought out unofficial showcases during the week. Isn’t it fun discovering great bands that don’t even make it on CMJ’s radar? How underground of us. From the unofficial bands we saw, we picked three winners, who all happened to play on the same night.

First is Automelodi, Wierd Records’ French-Canadian coldwave band. Led by front man Xavier Paradis, the band is one of our favorite current synth bands and amazing to see live. Check out their beautiful self-titled LP and you will hear hints of New Romanticism.

Dream Affair is another great band of a similar caliber. Listening to singer Hayden Payne’s voice, it’s hard to miss the similarities to post-punk’s early favorites like Joy Division. Look out for their 7" to be released late winter/early spring on Five Three Dial Tone Records.

Lastly, we had the pleasure of seeing YOU., a three-piece who plays electronic dance-invoking goodness in an other-worldly fashion. Find their music on Blind Prophet Records – it’s unlike anything you’ve heard before. – Kristen Yoonsoo Kim