The Indecent – is grunge back? Oh wait… it’s teen grunge!

The fact that there is an army of teenagers out there who were 1-2 years old when Kurt Cobain died is massively disturbing – that’s roughly how old my best friends were when Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix died (I’m a little younger than that, THANK YOU!). But besides all the useless self-pitying observations about our almost approaching senility, this crude fact can only mean that we are just about to experience a grunge renaissance. All the signs are there: all the surviving grunge bands seem to be reuniting and simultaneously releasing new albums, from The Smashing Pumpkins to Soundgarden… and now this: The Indecent (let’s open a debate about this name!) are a group of extremely young kids who are not ashamed to say they play grunge. They do a good job at it, and the video is a perfect lo budget play on the atmospheres of Smells Like Teen Spirits. Still, there’s something a little creepy and… morbid (??) about the entire concept. It’s that feeling you get when you watch Japanese horror movies where cute little pale girls reveal some kind of monstrous side (eyes without pupils or something). Probably because the word "grunge" somehow became intimately connected to the ideas of "drugs abuse", "depression" and "suicide". Honestly, I’d rather have teens follow other examples, in particular if the entire concept smells like teen… marketing?
P.S. Thinking about it, if the return of grunge is going to wipe out all those fake sounding auto-tune-rock/emo bands that for some obscure reason seem to thrive in LA, that’s probably not so bad. (Don’t tell our LA editor I said this).