NYC Artists on the rise: Food Stamps, 8 NYC shows in a month?

Gee, don’t we all miss early Ween? I personally also miss early They Might Be Giants, but I know some people have bad reactions when they hear that name. I mean, would we have had Beck without Ween? And TMBG were The Pixies’ Black Francis favorite band… The two duos shared a super-playful, totally DIY approach to bedroom pop that many current lo-fi and or DIY NYC bands – consciously or not – inherited. This may sound weird, but Food Stamps (who curiously enough have in their name one of Ween’s favorite themes – grub) could be described as a shoegazer, not as silly (but goofy in some kind of cool way) version of Ween. Well, yes, they do sound weird, in a charming way though. If you are interested in checking them out, you have plenty of opportunities – they have a gazillion shows in the NYC area in the next month…