CD of the Month: Leather Silk

The latest album from My My My, Leather Silk, looks and reads like an under produced classic porn movie from the ‘80’s. It’s complete with cheesy actors named “Big Baddy Cosgrove”, “Captain Sage Bronson”, “Silky”, “Terrycloth Jones”, and so on. However, when you put the album it is a completely different experience. This is power pop at its finest. Filled with finely tuned electronics, sweeping guitar riffs, and dueling vocals provided by Russell Baylin and Sarah Snow. I would compare their current sound to that of Headlights, especially when Snow is taking the lead.

There is not a lull in this album, which means you will never stop moving. The centerpiece of this ten-track album is the song “Swoon”, and in a way it sums up the album. The looping electronic open leading to a gritty guitar riff and atmospheric keyboards, but it is the interplay of Baylin and Snow that will make you “Swoon”. My My My have far surpassed their 2008 effort, Little Cat Plays the Alpha Rave, and Leather Silk should make them one of the more sought after Chicago bands of 2010.

My My My will be celebrating the release of Leather Silk on May 8th at Bottom Lounge.