Recap & Photos: The Orwells, The Kingston Springs & The Districts at North Star Bar

The Districts, a group of young trailblazers from Lititz, PA., is a band whose popularity is increasingly rising in Philly (thanks in part to the high schoolers being embraced by our local folk/blues community). The group kicked things off for the evening at the North Star Bar with their jazzy blues-infused power rock. The four-piece came out on stage and demanded the eyes and ears of everyone in attendance within just a few strums of their guitars, and immediately every notion of a novice band had been completely thrown out the door. Their age and talent was definitely not an issue. With a variety of song styles ranging from the likes of “Lyla” and “Funeral Beds” with their contemplative folk arrangements that melt your soul like a hot knife through butter to the more up-tempo “Four & Four” and “Long Distance,” which rejuvenated your weathered mind by enticing you to grab a loved one and ecstatically spin with them into tomorrow. The Districts offer a glimpse into the creative minds of the young talent flocking to our not-so-secret-anymore music scene.

The Kingston Springs are a bunch of good ole boys from the middle o nowhere Tennessee, who currently reside in Nashville, and they brought the absolute best arsenal of their backyard classically inspired surf rock, with a twist of southern style and flare. You could hear such jovial and relaxed tones in “1991” and “Sweet Suzie” which made you want to stomp your feet and knock back a few shots of bourbon and PBRs. They’ll be heading on to perform at the Beale Street Music Festival with notables like The Flaming Lips and The Smashing Pumpkins.

Now, brash teenagers, The Orwells, like it loud. They like it really, really loud to say the least. The flower punk band from Elmhurst, IL acknowledged everything that came before them, and set it all on fire with songs like “Mallrats” and “In My Bed” and the timeless charge of “fuck you!” However, you could still find traces of Bowie, David Yow and Iggy Pop in the ashes after the smoke cleared, providing plenty of hope for what they’ll be sharing with us in the future. You can also check out our photos from the evening HERE. – John Clements